POPs Enterprise System
POPs Enterprise System is a cloud portal to manage and maintain restaurant operations through internet via any device. It could be used by Accounts
Department or Management Department to view various types of reports, add new items and modify prices. POPs Enterprise System is useful for
multi branches restaurants and restaurants with separate management office.
POPs Enterprise
Delivery order
Recives & delivery orders
(workes online & offline)
Car orders
Receives car orders with
the apply to add car number
(works online & offline)
Point of sale
POPs enterprise works as
point of sale & can be
Download : IOS, SUNMI, Windows & android
Tax management
You can manage
in any kind of tax
Offline operation
POPs enterprise can
operation without Intrnet
Multi branches management
Ability to add & manage
multi branch easy
Control panel
Adding and modifying
data and the authority
of system users
Main & sub - inventory
Dividing the stores and linking
them to the immediate
selling system
Client manage
Unlimited number
of system users
Purchase invoices
Unlimited number of bills
Supplier management
Add supplier data and
control their settings
Quick serves
Recives quick orders
(workes online & offline)
Dine in order
Manage dine -in orders
with table manage
(works online & offline)
Inventory management
Add and control inventory
Tobacco tax
POPs system support
tobacco tax
E- invoice
Compatible with
the requirements of the first &
second phase of the ZATCA
in KSA
Sending all transactions
with the return of the online
service directly without the
intervention of the employee
Manage Recipes
Stock control of main
ingredients for dishes
Manage menu
Amendment and
change in the food menu
with adjustment to prices
and full control over the menu
Sales, purchases, and taxes
reports, in addition
to the cashier's entry
and exit reports
Employees manage
Unlimited number
of system users
Purchasing management and control
طلبات التوصيل
استلام طلبات التوصيل
(يعمل مع وبدون انترنت )
طلبات السيارات
استلام طلبات السيارات مع قابلية اضافة رقم السيارة
(يعمل مع وبدون انترنت)
نقطة بيع
يعمل نظام بوبس انتربرايس كنقطة بيع حيث يمكن تحميله عبر
الاندرويد والسونمي ونظام الابل و الويندوز
إدارة الضرائب
إدارة جميع أنواع الضرائب المضافة
العمل بدون انترنت
يمكن لنظام بوبس انتربرايس العمل اثنائ انقطاع الانترنت
إدارة الفروع
سهولة إضافة الفروع وإدارتها
لوحة التحكم
إضافة والتعديل على بيانات المطعم وصلاحية مستخدمي النظام
مخزن مركزي ومخازن فرعية
تقسيم المخازن و ربطها بنظام البيع والفروع
إدارة العملاء
إضافة العملاء والتعديل على بياناتهم
فواتير المشتريات
عدد غير محدود من الفواتير
إدارة الموردين
إضافة الموردين والتعديل على بياناتهم
الطلبات الخارجية
استلام الطلبات الخارجية
(يعمل مع وبدون انترنت )
الطلبات الداخلية
ادارة الطلبات الداخلية مع تنظيم الطاولات
(يعمل مع وبدون انترنت )
إدارة المخزون
إضافة المخزون والتحكم به
ضريبة التبغ
يدعم ضريبة التبغ
الفاتورة الالكترونية
متوافق مع متطلبات المرحلة الأولى والثانية لهيئة الزكاة والضريبة
في المملكة العربية السعودية
ارسال جميع المعاملات مع رجوع خدمة الانترنت مباشرة دون تدخل
من الموظف
إدارة الوصفات والمكونات
مراقبة المخزون من المكونات الرئيسية للأطباق
إدارة قائمة الطعام
التعديل والتغير في قائمة الطعام بالإضافة إلى امكانية التعديل على الأسعار
والتحكم الكامل بالقائمة
إصدار تقارير المبيعات و المشتريات والضرائب
بالإضافة إلى تقارير تسجيل الدخول والخروج للكاشير
إدارة الموظفين
عدد غير محدود من مستخدمي النظام
إدارة المشتريات والتحكم بها
It is one of the most important points available in the system, as devices can be controlled from here and connected to other side devices. It is also possible to identify the requests received from each device separately
Cash Drawers
Through this section, you can add money boxes and specify the branch in which they are located
Dine in Sections
Registering restaurant departments to facilitate the process of dividing tables by department
Dine in Tables
Add tables, set the number of people for each table, and specify the section the table is in. It is also possible to add a group of tables at one time with ease to facilitate the process and save time entering data
Payment Methods
Defining payment methods with the possibility of adding other payment methods
Service Provider
Add the details of the delegates and all individuals who were dealt with for delivery
Delivery Areas
Adding the areas to which delivery is permitted, adding the delivery amount and the minimum order
Pricing List
Create a price group for products of your choice
Printing Options
Control the options to be shown and hidden when printing balances
Pay-in\out Account
Create an account for expenses, purchases, etc.
Staff Meals
Determine the meals desired to be provided to employees or specify a specific amount that can be used for employees. Employees can also be identified by job title
Cash Denominations
Definition of monetary denominations with branch selected

Add products from here with the ability to set a picture for the product, add all its information, and specify the price.

Composite Products
The feature of creating meals in addition to creating a subgroup from which one can choose

Services Availability
The ability to monitor the quantity of available products and give a warning when the quantity is about to expire
Buy & Get
To create this type of offer, all you have to do is specify the start date and end date, then the quantity purchased and the number of free products
In quick and easy steps, you can add a new coupon and specify the start and end date
Discount Settings
From here, it is determined whether the discount will be applied by the employee or the department
Add a new discount by specifying the amount/percentage of the discount
Adding suppliers’ information, including name, phone number, email, and address, with the possibility of modifying it at a later time
Add warehouses, specifying their branch and address
Purchase Orders
A new purchase order can be added. All you have to do is enter the supplier and warehouse data and specify the goods
Received Orders
Enter order receipt data by entering supplier information and shipping information, in addition to the invoice date
Physical Inventory
The ability to follow the status of available stock, including quantities and cost amounts, in each warehouse
Service Provider
In the Payments to Service Providers section, the amounts owed to the restaurant and to the service providers are calculated, with the possibility of entering the amounts received by the service providers and due to them.
Company Settings
In this section, you can add information about the company, such as name, address, and contact number, which you can modify whenever you want
User Management
Add user information and data to the back office, giving permissions to each user, with the ability to export the data as an Excel page. The user can also be deleted easily by pressing the delete button.
Security Roles
Through this section, you can configure the permissions that will be given to users at a later time
To add branches, you can contact the seller. While the user can modify the basic information of the branches, modify the working time, add a logo to the branch, in addition to changing the billing prefix. Below this section is also the option to set the priority of the price list. In addition to amending customer points and service fees
Adding taxes and rates, specifying the type of tax, in addition to the possibility of adding a tax group
Adding employee information and personal data, in addition to specifying the branch in which he works and specifying the job role for each employee.
Subscription history
The customer's subscription section in the Pops Enterprise system can be used to monitor when the subscription started and when it will end.
Adding customer information with the ability to add the customer to one of the previously created groups
Adding departments, which facilitates the process of dividing employees according to their department.
POPs Enterprise Restaurant
Powerful mobile/tablet application that helps the restaurants doing the daily operations, like taking customer orders, tendering orders,
cashier-in/out, applying discounts, send orders to kitchens, printing receipts, and much more.
POPs Enterprise Laundry
A powerful mobile/tablet application that helps laundries to do daily operations, such as taking Q-Serve and deliveries, printing receipts
and much more
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.
Start with the customer – find out what they want and give it to them.